Dorgas, mana
Fazem-te mais inteligente
a sociedade castiga-te por
Tó se có pendencias
amarração amorosa auca
gasto todo o rendimento
social de inserção
em xucu lá-te 101%
Não consigo parar
de a minha vida acacauar
a sociedade vai-me
Ela vai fazer-me pagar
Caí nuca cau
um buraco negro sem fundo
de altas percentagens e
altos voos
das árvores onde cresce o
negro mal
Aconselharam-me uma hip nó
te iste-a
para desactar unó
fui a uma entre vista
Ela pôs-ma fazer oh oh
Hip knot e zás! da
para desfazer a
o sentimento de não
deixar de gostar dapanhar pázada
Saí de lá maizanimada
para ir comprar maizuma tá
a hip nó z'não me fez
hip nó tica tira e mete
Continuo a dar nuca cau
não acho que seja mau
entreguei a minha vida ao
lado escuro
do fruto que me faz saltar
o muro
It was a neat class
My shape was a mess
I liked that it was hard
It made me lose my lard
I'd only eaten a banana
After looked the mirror so pale
Like I'd crossed the whole savanah with a bun an' a
In deep need of some ale
Woke next morning feeling every muscle
Energized, revitalized after all the bustle
You had your hustle, songs begin and end on point
We stretched and oiled every single joint
For each song an exercise
Sharp timing
Go for the gong and magnetize
Try not dying
I like it hard-knock
No pain no gain
Work it till you hit bottom-rock
Strain will stretch your membrane
Caring for us, not letting us hurt or
Me become completely cripple
Showing how my abs can hurt even more
If I move up just a little
You had our back while we were on track
Kept the riddim and helped us hit the sack
Sleep better, wake better
Fresh and above the weather
I blame Frisco P
But maybe I should blame thee
Vibe like disco be
Hoping it and lettuce will let us
High on energy very fit and sane
Sweatie like just from the rain
Keep the beat just you and P the badass
Redeem the bar with barre
Riddim! no using the car
Peel at us from Cali
Pil it, B stylee!